Post by fattaxi on Sept 20, 2005 14:00:54 GMT
Post by jtrodreigez on Sept 20, 2005 16:13:18 GMT
Post by mrs tank bullock on Sept 30, 2005 10:59:07 GMT
I can confirm that the post dated 6th Sept at 10.58 was infact the real Tomas Turgoose. He is the lead in Shane's new film and it is his first ever stab at acting. Tommo is doing an amazing job and I can't wait for you all to see him in the film. Despite many posts from skinheads concerned about the films content, make no mistake: this film IS about 'Shaun'. The skinhead culture is a backdrop for a beautiful story about a young boy. It does not address political issues and it does not depict skinheads in a negative light, very much the opposite. Half way through the filming, all going well. TTFN
Post by fattaxi on Sept 30, 2005 12:26:49 GMT
So John, you apologising yet?
Post by jtrodreigez on Sept 30, 2005 12:43:34 GMT
Yeah i am, i think i may just go into hiding from now on.
Post by fattaxi on Sept 30, 2005 14:28:10 GMT
ha ha ha .... its funny because its true.
Post by thomas turgoose on Sept 30, 2005 23:06:09 GMT
im thomas im playin shaun if any 1 goes on the online game runescape add me on raptor219
Post by jtrodreigez on Oct 1, 2005 0:57:32 GMT
Am i old or is that the strangest thing anyones ever heard?
Post by fattaxi on Oct 1, 2005 16:52:45 GMT
Yes but don't you really wanna do it now?
Post by mrs tank bullock on Oct 2, 2005 9:40:27 GMT
Tommo, Mrs Tank Bullock here. Can you please not be online so late all the time, you have filming in the morning!! Get to bed!
Post by missdonk on Oct 11, 2005 8:41:31 GMT
It pretty cool to have people who are involved in the film posting messages on here. You wouldn't get that anywhere else =) Hope all is going well still, can't wait for the final result. I am going to Nottingham to see my sister soon I will have to keep my eyes out. xx
Post by nottz on Oct 11, 2005 13:22:37 GMT
shanes new film luks grim defo gun av 2 go c this 1, ne wayz safe shane gd luk wiv the new film n n a big hold tite 2 keiran safe man !
King Kezz runnin Tingz
Post by King Kezz runnin Tingz on Oct 11, 2005 13:41:02 GMT
This Is Kieran Hardcastle I play Kezz AKA Kes in the film..Im only 18 but Iv worked on a number of stuff and I can easily say in terms of acting and everything this film is gonna be brilliant..I did a soap for 2 years and worked with shit loads of directors for that..but shanes got to be the best one Iv ever worked with.
BTW to all these cry baby skin heads posting silly notes on the whole forum, sit down shut up..make way for the Chavs, Football Hooligans, Pubmanz, Rudeboys, G's, playa's, Joka's and hooded up cru's!
SAFE, Old tite everyman..
Post by shottz on Oct 11, 2005 13:49:40 GMT
yea big up all the nottz man inside ryt bout now safe man big up shane n his films brap!!! 1
Post by Mark Sherbert on Oct 12, 2005 13:03:51 GMT