Post by Companero on Jun 21, 2005 13:43:57 GMT
Well, I thought someone should make a start on here, considering Dave's gone to the trouble of adding it. It's going to be a long torturous time before we get to see 'Oi! The Is My England, but let's make a start of discussing it now... Now, due to the subject matter of the film, I was wondering if Shane was going to be going down the Alan Clarke route (see Made in Britain and The Firm) - a film that analyzes the the obssession of violence and self destruction of the young male. Shane - are you a fan of Alan Clarke's films? There's so much to play with, considering the period setting - especially themusic and the fashion... C'mon shane, spill some beans - don't want you to spoil the plot or even talk about the casting but would love some insight into the setting, itself
Romeo brass monkeys
Post by Romeo brass monkeys on Jun 23, 2005 10:40:52 GMT
Dude, dont mean to be sarcastic but have you actually read the Oi! downloadable pdf from this website it tells about as much as you can without seeing the film as you'll ever need. Well worth a look if your really that bothered.
Post by Al Fresco on Jun 25, 2005 15:56:57 GMT
I'm looking forward to this, I like the downloadable pdf looks like a very promising project, good luck Shane
Post by Companero on Jun 25, 2005 17:20:29 GMT
Dude, dont mean to be sarcastic but have you actually read the Oi! downloadable pdf from this website it tells about as much as you can without seeing the film as you'll ever need. Well worth a look if your really that bothered. No, I haven't seen it, mate. I'll have a look now
Post by RydCook on Aug 1, 2005 11:36:15 GMT
hey companero, i can confirm that shane meadow's is in fact a big fan of Alan Clarke's films Made In Britian and Scum in particular. I know this because he came to my sixth form college (long road cambridge) and spoke about his influences and many more things. Anyway he spoke of watching Alan Clarke's TV films when he was very young and loving how real they are or somthing.. i could quote but i can't be arsed to get the video out (oh yeha i have the whole thing on tape) anyway he is a fan of alan clarke laters i'm really looking forward to BULLDOG! should be awesome - RyD
Post by Companero on Aug 3, 2005 8:34:47 GMT
Hey Ryd, Thanks for the info - Alan Clarke's films are terrific and as I've mentioned on this forum before, completely underrepresented on DVD in the UK. I bought the R1 boxset released by Blue Underground, last year. The set is an absolute must for Clarke fans, as it includes cracking editions of Made In Britain and The Firm. It also features both versions of Scum, as seen on the recent UK disc. Best of all, the box set houses Elephant, Clarke's short film (runs around 40 mins, if my memory serves me right, which was the inspiration for Gus Van Sant's recent film of the same name. What I admired about Clarke was he fact he would never shy away from thorny issues and his films hold far more impact than the vastly overrated Mike Leigh and Ken Loach. It's just a shame that he wasn't afforded the same level of respect while he was still alive but then again, Shane is a better filmmaker than Loach or Leigh, IMO. Both have made some great films, for sure but they're very inconsistant. Loach in particular doesn't seem to be able to make a film without underpinning it with a social political context, which has become tiresome in recent years. I've not seen 'Smalltime' ( ) but I've seen all four of Shane's other films and rate all of them. It's about time his films were enjoyed by a wider audience.
Post by thomas turgoose on Sept 17, 2005 21:58:33 GMT
jtrodreigez lazyboy
Post by jtrodreigez lazyboy on Sept 18, 2005 11:02:15 GMT
bollocks you are
Post by Dave on Sept 18, 2005 11:53:29 GMT
What coarse language! haha
I suspect that he is in This Is England you know. Perhaps even in the main role (I know that the lead is named Thomas).
So Thomas, let us know a bit more about what's going on, and whether you are indeed the films main character! Plus any other info... such as how you got the part.
Post by fattaxi on Sept 18, 2005 12:37:55 GMT
I've read somewhere that Thomas Turgoose is playing the lead role!
Some JT might have some apologising to do!
Post by fattaxi on Sept 18, 2005 12:39:57 GMT
Heres the only Link i can find, www.filmweb.pl/Meadows,rozpoczyna,prace,nad,filmem,o,skinheadach,2005-09-13,news,News,id=24004 If anyone knows how to translate pages let me know!
Post by fattaxi on Sept 18, 2005 12:43:29 GMT
Ok seeing as the link didn't work, ill just copy and paste it.
Meadows rozpoczyna prace nad filmem o skinheadach
Brytyjczyk Shane Meadows ("Pewnego razu w Midlands") rozpoczyna zdjêcia do swojego pi¹tego filmu - dziej¹cego siê w latach osiemdziesi¹tych dramatu, roboczo zatytu³owanego "This is England". Jak mówi sam filmowiec, bêdzie to jego pierwszy nie-wspó³czesny film. Prace na planach w Nottingham i Grimsby rusz¹ ju¿ w œrodê.
Akcja bêdzie dzia³a siê na pocz¹tku lat osiemdziesi¹tych ubieg³ego wieku. Bohaterem jest jedenastolatek, który pod wp³ywem utraty ojca i przyjaŸni ze starszym, dwudziestoletnim koleg¹ zaczyna interesowaæ siê subkultur¹ skinheadów. Nastolatek przystêpuje do lokalnego gangu, który staje siê obiektem infiltracji Frontu Narodowego, poszukuj¹cego wœród m³odych skinheadów swoich "rekrutów". Scenariusz napisze Meadows z Paddym Considine.
W roli g³ównej wyst¹pi znany z "Dead Man's Shoes" Toby Kebbell. Considine byæ mo¿e pojawi siê jako postaæ drugoplanowa. Na planie pojawi¹ siê tak¿e Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Jo Hartley, Joe Gilgun, Andrew Shim i Vicky McClure.
Film wczeœniej by³ znany pod innymi roboczymi tytu³ami "Oi! This is England" i "Bulldog".
any Idea what language this is?
Post by Dave on Sept 18, 2005 13:35:36 GMT
Polish (the .pl web address was a dead give-away!).
Here's a dodgy translation:
British film-maker Shane Meadows has begun shooting his fifth film. Currently with the working title of "This Is England" it is set during one summer during the early 80's. This is the fillm-maker's first period film. Shooting begins in Nottingham and then moves onto Grimsby.
The main character of the film is influenced by the death of his father to join the skinhead culture when introduced to it by an older friend. The story moves on to show the infiltration of the movement by the national front as they try to recruit young skinheads.
Toby Kebbell (Dead Man's Shoes) will take a main role and perhaps Paddy Considine will have a supporting role.** Also to star in the film are, Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Jo Hartley, Joe Gilgun, Andrew Shim and Vicky McClure.
The movie was previously know under the working titles of "Bulldog" and "Oi! This Is England"
** As far as I am aware, neither Paddy or Toby are associated with the film now. Maybe that Polish site has been sneaking a look at my old news! ;D
So nothing new there really, other than the mention of one Thomas Turgoose!
Post by Mark Sherbert on Sept 19, 2005 12:59:45 GMT
Who is Thomas Turgoose? Its a great name.
Post by jtrodreigez on Sept 20, 2005 9:22:16 GMT
ok if he is in it i will face the wrath of this site but anyone could find that shit out and go around saying look at me im thomas turgoose. If your the real deal tommo post up a pic so us fans can get a peek of what the young shane will look like.