Post by pointblank on May 8, 2007 22:08:50 GMT
check out tie on imdb tomo has a thread as above we pissed ourselves when we read it ;D please add your views
Post by DeLarge on May 9, 2007 1:35:09 GMT
they've obviously not seen Gummo then.
Post by Companero on May 9, 2007 8:27:51 GMT
check out tie on imdb tomo has a thread as above we pissed ourselves when we read it ;D please add your views Here's my reply on there: Like berating kids, do you? Well done – I can’t believe someone could start a topic on a public forum that personally attacks a child. Obviously a nonce who prefers his/her kids to look drop dead gorgeous. How is it that this person has enough time during his/her day release to post online? Nuff said... Though Dave beat me to the kiddy-fiddling accusations first ;D I suggest everyone rips into this pillock.
Post by jtrodreigez on May 9, 2007 9:07:54 GMT
i got him a while back, will do again too.
Post by Dazza on May 9, 2007 9:36:55 GMT
check out tie on imdb tomo has a thread as above we pissed ourselves when we read it ;D please add your views What a wanker I couldnt help but reply to this tit on IMDB. How pathetic must you be to start insulting kids Tomo couldnt have been that old when he made the film. "The pathetic few of you on this bored slating how a lil kid looks in a film are just sad pathetic *beep* who probably play with there best friend which is there right hand . Don't you think kids have enough to contend with growing up without this sort of *beep* Like others have said why are you even talking about what he looks like it has no relevence to the film do you have such a pathetic life you have to bring up such a pathetic topic! By the way why dont you post some pics of yourself so we can all judge what you look like!!!! I do like the fact that the actor in question Tomo kept his message clean and dignified well done mate".
Post by Companero on May 9, 2007 9:39:48 GMT
Funny Daz. I just saw your comment before coming back here and thought of you straight away, mate. How weird! Nice one; that guy's not getting any support on there, is he? ;D
Post by Dave on May 9, 2007 9:56:32 GMT
Weirdest of all though, Tomo isn't and was never ugly.
We've all seen ugly, and Tomo isn't it.
Post by Dazza on May 9, 2007 9:57:03 GMT
Lol Hi Comp , it really is pathetic when you have to slate what a kid looks like especially when it has absolutely no relevance to the film or outstanding performance. What did this guy want a little Hayley Joel Osment running riot with a skinhead in Nottingham. I work with Teenagers and they have enough to deal with growing up and have insecurities with there looks etc and for someone to publicly make such a statement really pissed me off. I think he's probably in for even more ribbing lol now its on these forums. Go on Meadows Maniacs diss him!!!!!!
Post by Hyde on May 9, 2007 10:14:04 GMT
Weirdest of all though, Tomo isn't and was never ugly. We've all seen ugly, and Tomo isn't it. yaaa it never crossed my mind. this is the thing with any film getting heard of and doing really well, there's always some twats that have to say shiz like this. i blame the internet and generally just making it easy for them. its sad, there's so many people who, given the chance choose to rip on things they dont like, in any way they please (offensive etc) there most likely the kind of person who wouldnt do well in a fight though. hence the internet to hide behind.
Post by Companero on May 9, 2007 10:21:03 GMT
There’s a great scene in JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK when the titular pair pay a visit to each and everyone one of the internet geeks that have been dissing them online, and give them a hiding.
It’s so true what Hyde says – they’re little cowards that think they can say what ever they like, because they’re safe in the shroud of anonymity. Shane made a great analogy on another thread about how they probably masturbate all over themselves whenever they’ve managed to annoy someone…
I liked Tommo’s come back – to the point and without malice. I, on the other hand, could resist calling the prick a nonce.
Post by fattaxi on May 9, 2007 10:39:40 GMT
I posted on there too as gunsofbrixton66 I think I just called him a prick
Post by billywizz on May 9, 2007 10:45:02 GMT
There’s a great scene in JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK when the titular pair pay a visit to each and everyone one of the internet geeks that have been dissing them online, and give them a hiding. That film contains one of the best disses of all time though, internet or otherwise, when someone posts 'Jay and Silent Bob are fucking CLOWN SHOES......' inspired.....i now use it as my own....
Post by jtrodreigez on May 9, 2007 10:48:03 GMT
I always marvel at these sad cunts who thinks its funny to be a total arse hole online.............oh shit.
Post by jtrodreigez on May 9, 2007 11:11:21 GMT
also the guys an idiot, that banjo playing freak offa deliverance is butt ugly as is macauly culkin. If your gonna start throwing titles like that around you should at least do your research.
Post by fattaxi on May 9, 2007 11:18:30 GMT
Yeah what about Ron Howards brother!?!?!?! I know hes not exactly a kid but christ almighty