Apr 11, 2008 22:29:54 GMT
Post by carolyn on Apr 11, 2008 22:29:54 GMT
I remember when I was young and perhaps having an over-active mind. I had a really upsetting thought that made me cry and it wasn't a dream because I was awake and imagining that somebody was going around my house killing my family and I was lying in bed really scared. What would this be called because it is not a dream and you are aware that it is total unreality that you are thinking it but it is upsetting you because it is something that really would upset you. I was just lying in bed fearful and crying.
So what would that be? It is just odd thoughts I suppose that make us cry.
I used to think about the domination of governments and how powerless we all are in the bit picture. In the end I had to just tell myself to forget it.
Also what is it that is happening when you are just drifting into sleep and the body jolts and you are brought back into full consciousness and are scared. Has anyone else had that happen?
Carolyn x
Apr 11, 2008 23:04:56 GMT
Post by Chewbaxter on Apr 11, 2008 23:04:56 GMT
Here... for a frikkening experience look up "hypnagogic state" Don't have nightmares! N.
Apr 12, 2008 9:40:26 GMT
Post by salvador on Apr 12, 2008 9:40:26 GMT
Yeah the whole "hag" thing is pretty terrifying, I have written a film script about it.
Its when you wake up and you feel like someone is on the bed, then the person is on top of you on your chest, choking you and you cant move or do anything to stop it. Very strange, happens to people in different ways... touch wood, never happened to me.
Apr 14, 2008 20:14:41 GMT
Post by shanemeadows on Apr 14, 2008 20:14:41 GMT
You didn't have a wet patch did yer youth?
Apr 15, 2008 0:24:29 GMT
Post by Chewbaxter on Apr 15, 2008 0:24:29 GMT
Here... last night I dreamed we were together... sharing all the love we'd known... Until I had to face the nightmare - of waking up alo... Oh sh*t - hang on, sorry... that weren't me - that was the theme tune to "Prisoner Cell Block H" Man, I've GOT TO lay off the cafeine! N.
Apr 15, 2008 7:59:57 GMT
Post by salvador on Apr 15, 2008 7:59:57 GMT
You didn't have a wet patch did yer youth? Haha, nah not had one of them for a few years!
Apr 16, 2008 16:20:33 GMT
Post by anonlytwin on Apr 16, 2008 16:20:33 GMT
Here... for a frikkening experience look up "hypnagogic state" very weird that you brought this up mate, because i had one on sunday and it freaked me the fuck out. i thought i was drowning and the more i tried to 'swim' the quicker i drowned and although i was trying to scream and shout, no sounds were coming out- eventually i thumped my girlfriend and she woke me up.... perhaps the weirdest bit about this was that only a minute before we'd been having a normal conversation. not nice salvador, build it and they will come
Apr 16, 2008 19:18:31 GMT
Post by Bill Edwards on Apr 16, 2008 19:18:31 GMT
Anyone ever had lucid dreams? Where you realise you're dreaming and kind of take control of events? The following is a record I made of the last good lucid dream I had in March last year...
Ripple ripple. Ripple ripple...
Had a lucid dream the night before last. The first one for about six months. This might be the start of a sustained run of lucid dreams. This is what usually happens. I had a few crap ones early this morning.
In Wednesday's lucid dream the highlights were: 1. Choosing to walk through my backdoor which I've done many times before but this time I took it more slowly. The glass appeared to melt like very thin ice on a warm surface as my open eyes passed through the glass. I find keeping my eyes open as I walk through solid things quite hard. I succeeded this time.
2. Floating up to myself lying in bed from the living room below, up through the floor, through the mattress and 'filling into myself' from the centre of my body up to my head. It was quite a rush and very exhilarating!
This was followed by two false wakenings.
I resisted the always powerful urge to go flying in this dream. I must try to experiment more in my lucid dreams...
I had a dream a few months ago where I had five false awakenings before waking up for real!
I've had many fantastic flights, experiments with my consciousness and interactions with my dream constructs. Real, 'This is not a spoon' stuff, I tell thee!
Apr 16, 2008 20:06:09 GMT
Post by Dave on Apr 16, 2008 20:06:09 GMT
Lucky sod! I have had one lucid dream and that was years ago now. I recall being so surprised that I was suddenly fully conscious in my dream, that I didn't do anything interesting at all. All I can remember now is that I was some kind of weird shop and I just browsed! hahaha It's hard to explain what a lucid dream is to people who haven't had them, because they think that you are describing regular dreams in which you think you are making decisions. My best explanation of a lucid dream is that you 'wake-up' in the dream.
There are ways to induce lucid dreams, but they take either long routine, or over-priced goggles with timed LEDs in them.
Apr 16, 2008 20:29:16 GMT
Post by Bill Edwards on Apr 16, 2008 20:29:16 GMT
My first experiences of lucid dreams were similar to that. I'd realise I was dreaming, think, "Fuckin' 'ell! This is a DREAM!!" And promptly wake up! I can't say, "the trick is not get over excited" coz I'm never really sure how much control anyone has in lucid dreams. They're slippery customers. I've heard one way of 'farming' lucid dreams is to constantly question whether you're dreaming or not in your waking life (while no one else is around... ) and, supposedly, you'll eventually ask yourself the same question while in a dream state. Dunno if this has ever worked for anyone though. My lucid dream phases are due to bouts of insomnia. I wake up at half fucking three in the morning, my alarm is due to go off at half bleeding six. I finally start drifting off into a distinctly different kind of sleep about half five and... WAH-HEY! I goes a flying and stuff. ;D
Apr 16, 2008 21:15:28 GMT
Post by Chewbaxter on Apr 16, 2008 21:15:28 GMT
Here... for a frikkening experience look up "hypnagogic state" very weird that you brought this up mate, because i had one on sunday and it freaked me the fuck out. i thought i was drowning and the more i tried to 'swim' the quicker i drowned and although i was trying to scream and shout, no sounds were coming out- eventually i thumped my girlfriend and she woke me up.... perhaps the weirdest bit about this was that only a minute before we'd been having a normal conversation. not nice salvador, build it and they will come Definitely not nice - I only evr had a couple in me long 36 year life and they were when I was a kid - one being a typical 'being held down' dream (no - nothing to do with 'Scum' nor a greenhouse/potting shed! ) Anyhow - the only way I could get out of it was by focussing all my energy and kind of 'nutting backwards' into the headboard! Yep - ruddy awful stuff! N.
Apr 17, 2008 23:20:54 GMT
Post by jafford on Apr 17, 2008 23:20:54 GMT
What are those dreams where you fall from something and as you hit the ground you wake up jumping and flipping about, legs twitching everywhere?
I love those dreams, although when I were about 14 I had one in front view of an airport waiting lounge. Not funny.
Apr 18, 2008 0:47:29 GMT
Post by Dave on Apr 18, 2008 0:47:29 GMT
What are those dreams where you fall from something and as you hit the ground you wake up jumping and flipping about, legs twitching everywhere? I love those dreams, although when I were about 14 I had one in front view of an airport waiting lounge. Not funny. I only ever get that as I'm just drifting off to sleep. Suddenly your whole body reacts as though you've just tripped over. I never get it as I wake up from a nights sleep.
Apr 18, 2008 11:35:27 GMT
Post by large michael on Apr 18, 2008 11:35:27 GMT
you people have issues.
Apr 18, 2008 16:02:52 GMT
Post by shindig on Apr 18, 2008 16:02:52 GMT
Anybody ever throw a decent punch in a dream? I can't seem to manage it.