Post by salvador on Jun 23, 2008 14:00:21 GMT
Well, I had a couple of hours spare today between screenings at the Edinburgh Film Festival, so sitting in my house twiddling my thumbs I thought I'd shoot something.
Here it is, I wont go into what its about, you tell me.... shot completely off the cuff.
Enjoy.... any comments appreciated.
Did a re-edit so this is the final cut
Post by shindig on Jun 23, 2008 14:29:23 GMT
Move along.
Post by Tom on Jun 23, 2008 16:28:31 GMT
A dark way to kill a few hours! Ha ha.
But I think this is a sign of you getting bolder and braver with your creative output, and that's a good thing indeed. It made me uncomfortable to watch it, but then, I think that's why it works.
Post by Bill Edwards on Jun 23, 2008 17:59:32 GMT
That was scary and unnerving and I'm going to have nightmares now!
Post by shindig on Jun 23, 2008 20:08:41 GMT
So when's the myspace suicide page?
Post by salvador on Jun 23, 2008 23:57:15 GMT
Hey hey, cheers guys, your comments are much appreciated. I found it quite disturbing to edit to be honest and the story never really came out until the edit. I just spent ages talking into the camera saying a whole host of shit and this is what I molded around that.
Uncomfortable was what I was going for, so cheers! Glad it did the trick.
Cheers Tom, I think channeling my creativity is what I need to do, but like I say this is just off the cuff, so cant wait till my "real" short is done!
Post by RydCook on Jun 26, 2008 18:55:05 GMT
Unsettling yes... I'd agree. Like the editing. I had no idea what was going on, but I thoroughly enjoyed wondering! Nice acting too to be honest.
At first I thought it was someone threatening someone on a webcam..... then from the last shot, I now think its about someone willing them self into self harm... working up for it. Interesting film. Nice one Salv.
Post by salvador on Jun 26, 2008 22:37:24 GMT
Thanks Ryd, really appreciate your comments. When I was filming it I was thinking of it in the threatening someone else sense but in the edit I felt that was too obvious. Thanks for commenting on the acting. Its funny, I never ever thought I had talent as an actor and it was only something Shane said at his talk in Edinburgh last weekend that made me give it a bash again.
I'm going to do a re edit as I know this can be a bit better.
Post by shindig on Jun 27, 2008 14:46:08 GMT
I wasn't unsettled. It sounded forced, to me. Perhaps seeing the whole face would've helped?
Post by salvador on Jun 27, 2008 22:18:26 GMT
Thats cool man, you are entitled to your opinion. I dont think seeing my whole mug would have helped at all.
Post by shindig on Jun 28, 2008 12:56:52 GMT
The eyes are the most expressive part of the face, mind. Unless they're like mine.
Post by Dave on Jun 28, 2008 14:26:01 GMT
Just seen it. Didn't see the first version.
I think it was a good move that you didn't see the whole face. That's what makes it all the more deranged! It definitely was unsettling in tone and it worked. I liked the ending. It really makes you think back to what was said, and how the character is infact twice as nuts as you first thought!
Post by Bill Edwards on Jun 28, 2008 15:56:57 GMT
I had to steel myself to sit through this again!
My immediate reaction was that I preferred the first version, I like mysteries, but then straight away I imagined I hadn't seen the previous cut and realised the new edit had quite an effective dénouement.
One technical thing maybe is that you could've used a much darker material for the you-know-what. Something black would've been poifect. I didn't realise what it was meant to be at first.
Still, very creepy and dark.
PS. Liked The Cheat. Very sharp.
Post by salvador on Jun 28, 2008 23:30:07 GMT
Dave, thanks glad you enjoyed it (if thats the right word!)
Chrome, cheers, I'm happier with the second cut, its tighter and doesnt give too much away?? maybe???
The Cheat! Ha thanks for watching that lol those movies are old