The Disposal *A Short iPhone Film*
Feb 24, 2013 19:04:09 GMT
Post by pricey89 on Feb 24, 2013 19:04:09 GMT
I made this wee film wae two a my good pals using two iphone 4s's in three freezing cold December days.
I'm not going to say it was the easiest thing I've ever done and I know it's not a brilliant film but we did okay with what we had which was fuck all.
I just want to say if you've got a camera phone there and you've not got any funds. Grab that phone! Grab a mate! Just get fucking out there and film something, anything! If you watched my film and thought "I can do better than that." I know ye fucking can so get out there and do it! Show me and show the world the filmmaker inside you that hasn't found his voice yet!
Yer film might turn out to be half rubbish like mine but I'm telling everybody here nothing beats the satisfaction a finishing a film. It's important that everybody on here knows this is not my best work it was the only thing I could write quickly that didn't need to use dialogue because the iPhone mics are definitely not the best!
I've written a good few scripts with a lot of dialogue and substance but I just don't have the camera or mic to film them at the moment. If you're in the same boat as that just get out there man. Just go film anything! The only thing holding you back is YOU.
I remember being a young boy and seeing Shane Meadow's short film The Stairwell on Film4 and thinking to myself I wish my Ma and Da could afford a phone with a camera phone. Now a days most a yous on here can afford a phone with a camera phone. It doesn't matter how simple or how complicated your idea is just get out there and try and film it because nothing will beat the sense a satisfaction you get when you finish it.
Shane Meadows, Quentin Tarantino, Scorcese, Rodriguez they all say the same thing just get out there and film!!! Improvise!!! Fuck permits if you get pulled up say you're filming something for your college! Just get out there and film something! Because through it you'll meet good like-minded people!
To all my like-minded film geeks on here I just want to say I love you all and let's hope that all of us not one man excluded will one day in the future, far or near, get to make that masterpiece that has been bubbling up inside us since we first realized we were "film geeks."
Lots of love and positive energy to aw a yees from Glasgow, Scotland!
Jamie Price.