Post by fattaxi on Jun 8, 2005 17:18:42 GMT
Post by Dave on Jun 8, 2005 17:58:41 GMT
No offence or anything, but in my humble opinion, that was weak.
Although, I must say, I really do not like the films that I have seen with the current 'cool' American 'comedic' performers (Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughan, Owen Wilson, etc etc). I just find the stuff I have seen really lame.
Don't talk to me about Zoolander!! (Oh.. no one was). That is one of the worst 'comedy' films I have ever seen. Nearly walked out (and I never walk out of anything... staying to the end of Zoolander proves this point). Saw Anchorman recently. Just poor.
Anyway, that's my opinion! ;D Hope I'm not the only one with this kind of opinion on this subject because I could end up with Will Ferrell shaped egg all over my face.
Post by fattaxi on Jun 9, 2005 10:30:53 GMT
Lol call me a C*unt but I love Zoolander and Anchorman!
Maybe its just my immature side!
Post by jtrodreigez on Jun 9, 2005 12:55:22 GMT
you........ya CUNT!
Post by fattaxi on Jun 9, 2005 14:10:50 GMT
ha ha ha ha .... my names herbie!