Post by dude on Feb 11, 2008 23:35:42 GMT
hey Shane no wonder you beat stallone in an arm wrestle you look like you would make a real good rugby player in that shirt.
Post by Gareth on Feb 12, 2008 0:33:21 GMT
hahaha loving those photos!!!especially Shane in the top one!!!
btw. what prestigious award is the stuffed robin??? looks like I missed that one?
Post by Davros on Feb 12, 2008 0:45:04 GMT
Stallone who? It makes King of the Gypsies an even bigger prospect than ever. Brilliant.
Post by Dave on Feb 12, 2008 1:22:19 GMT
Absolutely brilliant!
I didn't think the Southbank Award looked much cop on the telly, but close up I do like the look of it. Very smart!
Just how heavy is that golden fizzog?
Thanks Mr Shim for putting the photos up!
Post by wheatabeat on Feb 12, 2008 8:41:53 GMT
Hehe that bang-a-gong makes a pretty good doorstop I reckon.
Nice pics by the way.
Post by Bill Edwards on Feb 12, 2008 11:40:44 GMT
LOL! ;D ;D Great pics! They make it look like 'some-bloke-down-the-road' won a BAFTA! Which is, in a beautiful sorta way, kinda what's happened! Makes me glow inside, do a big sigh, and look out of the window into the middle distance like a ponce. So deserved.
Post by stumpster on Feb 12, 2008 11:55:59 GMT
Great Pic Congratulations on the award
Post by Gareth on Feb 12, 2008 12:20:46 GMT
Great pics! They make it look like 'some-bloke-down-the-road' won a BAFTA! Which is, in a beautiful sorta way, kinda what's happened! well said! I was trying to put that into words last night but couldnt manage it, theres also a funny pic on paddys forum floating about with all the winners standing smiling and Paddy getting all Deadmans shoes on the back of shanes head with his Bafta! its so inspiring to see real people win BAFTAs!!! Edit: heres the pic courtesy of Gareth who runs the paddy site (Morell on here)
Post by shanemeadows on Feb 12, 2008 12:30:05 GMT
I love the over the top poster!!!!! 10 gold stars for you DAVROS!!!!!!
Post by salvador on Feb 12, 2008 12:53:37 GMT
Hahaha these photos are brilliant! Nice one Shim!
Davros strikes again!
Post by HMV Lee on Feb 12, 2008 14:13:54 GMT
Great photos, have to say though what an ugly bunch of winners in the group photo no wonder Marion Cotillard is cosing up to Daniel Day Lewis!
Post by wheatabeat on Feb 12, 2008 14:36:51 GMT
Great photos, have to say though what an ugly bunch of winners in the group photo no wonder Marion Cotillard is cosing up to Daniel Day Lewis! Anthony Hopkins (or should we call him 'Tone'?) looks like he's going to do a cluedo on some unfortunate in the front row. Hopkins, in the lounge... with a BAFTA.
Post by billywizz on Feb 12, 2008 21:01:54 GMT
those photos are mega.....i'd love to think that's what all the winners did when they got home....
Post by quixote on Feb 12, 2008 21:56:37 GMT
i love the photos good work fella i set the big fat close up of the bafta as my desktop i keep forgetting it's on there and when i come out of applications i catches me by surprise and makes me smile and the first time it happened burst out laughing
Post by RydCook on Feb 12, 2008 23:21:42 GMT
HA ha, wonderful photos shimmy! ha ha ha.